On-chain Newsletter 3/19
The BSC craze lasted for a day, but this morning it has cooled down a bit.
During the day yesterday, TUT, Mubarakah, QMubarak, and others continued to pump. By the afternoon, the Middle Eastern theme seemed to have been fully explored, and perhaps the Chinese "scissors" had exhausted their foreign language knowledge reserves. So by the evening, there was a forced adjustment. He Yi's DDDD, both CAs could reach 5M, can you believe it?
It was obvious yesterday that on-chain activity was lively, smart money was active, and everyone was FOMOing. However, unfortunately, there were many zero-value projects, and there were significantly fewer interesting projects. The only somewhat interesting one was the BNB Card.
1 BNB Card
The hottest project yesterday was undoubtedly the BNB Card, a simple little application with extremely strong dissemination. There was also interaction with Binance and He Yi. Many KOLs recommended it. Unfortunately, due to the selling pressure, there were some concerns about the funds, so it still remains around 4M.
CA link: https://gmgn.ai/bsc/token/eVFTc82L_0xdc06717f367e57a16e06cce0c4761604460da8fc