Recently, this interview video has gone viral in the financial circle, and perhaps you should take a look (we just made a Chinese translation). Ray Dalio fully discusses the logic of the East rising and the West declining, and emphasizes the need to invest heavily in China. The moment of national fortune has arrived. My small group of partners and I switched from U.S. stocks to Hong Kong stocks at the beginning of the year, investing in our own country and in the national fortune that belongs to our ethnicity, feeling immensely proud and achieving good returns. 😎 You should watch the video below carefully! 👇
The interview between Bridgewater's Ray Dalio and Tucker Carlson has sparked widespread attention, especially Dalio's profound insights on "America's new civil war" and future societal changes. In this dialogue, Dalio is not merely discussing market predictions but is deeply analyzing the social fractures facing the U.S. and the forces of global change. The seven shocking viewpoints he presents undoubtedly provide important insights for understanding the challenges and opportunities of the future:
First, Dalio emphasizes that the U.S. is already in a state of civil war, but this war is not a traditional armed conflict; rather, it is a profound ideological opposition and irreconcilable differences between two major camps. Since 1900, political division has reached a historical high, and the degree of bipartisan cooperation has dropped to a record low.
Second, the education gap and wealth polarization are exacerbating social inequality. 60% of Americans read below a sixth-grade level, while only a few are driving technological innovation, which directly leads to a shift in global economic power. The rise of artificial intelligence is accelerating this process, and Dalio believes that within the next five years, the rapid development of AI will profoundly impact economic policy, military strategy, and social systems.
Additionally, Dalio warns about China's rise, pointing out that the U.S. will never catch up to China in manufacturing. China's dominance in global manufacturing and high-tech fields is changing the global landscape. At the same time, the U.S. relies on foreign talent and innovation, particularly in its top universities, where many innovators are foreigners, and this advantage is being threatened by artificial intelligence.
Finally, Dalio proposes that the two possible scenarios for future society are totalitarianism or anarchy, which will be profound challenges brought about by artificial intelligence. He calls for a focus on building stronger local communities, emphasizing that true happiness comes from strong community ties rather than the accumulation of wealth and power.
Dalio's viewpoints reflect his deep concerns about the future society, but they also offer a strategy for coping—establishing stronger local communities and focusing on interpersonal relationships rather than political disputes. In this era of transformation, adaptive systems and cultures will be key to responding to change. 🧐