Some people lambasting Figure for using specialized manufacturing equipment as if it’s some sort of nail in the coffin for humanoidsThe thesis for humanoids is not that they will replace all machines

11 hours ago

Some people lambasting Figure for using specialized manufacturing equipment as if it’s some sort of nail in the coffin for humanoids

The thesis for humanoids is not that they will replace all machines, but that there is a COLOSSAL market for general purpose robots

In some scenarios, a specialized robot maybe the best fit. In ALOT of scenarios, a general purpose robot will be the most realistic option given its versatility to do so many different tasks and in so many different environments

The best analog to understand this would be the smartphone. The smartphone replaced the function of watches, calculators, alarm clocks, GPS, notepads, video cameras, calendars, MP3 players, etc

The smartphone may have replaced some of these items for customers but not all. For example, high accuracy stand alone GPS devices are still used for surveying, aviation/maritime, etc. Not many people use watches to tell time but they are still bought for fashion/collecting.

In the long run, you will likely see more structured work be replaced with specialized robotics but many jobs are unstructured and a humanoid will be the best tool to fill that role.

Haters also underestimate economies of scale vs specialized robots. TVs and PCs while more advanced today are a fraction of the inflation adjusted cost of when they first started being produced. Prices can come down a lot when you produce hundreds of millions of a product compared to tens of thousands.


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