Exited my last position of the blast-locked airdrop (6/6)

2 months ago

Exited my last position of the blast-locked airdrop (6/6), vested because I ended up in the top 1000.

The idea of having idle on-chain assets automatically earn yield is still very appealing to me, this is what drew my initial interest on this L2.

Launch execution was far from ideal, forcing top TVL drivers to keep locked-in even more time (if you bridged out, you were unable to claim your already farmed $BLAST). I think we might still see an even further TVL drop as vesting ends, unless something new and shiny gets released

Another good mechanic was blast gold - it enabled viral content on twitter and smaller wallets to get much higher allocations compared to just farming with assets. It was really a chance to get a big size airdrop with a not so big size farming position

But then it went south with TGE poor comms and whales feeling backstabbed with vesting. It's hard to make everyone happy

Now I have 99M points from these 6-months of vesting, which according to Pacman it should be immediately unlocked at the end of the season. So far there have only been 2 multipliers, so marketing efforts have slowed down

On the mobile wallet side of things (they made you download a PWA app, later to be transformed in a wallet) - to get to retail a mobile first solution is absolutely needed, so I like the overall idea (not only applied to Blast, but in general) but we are yet to see how they ship it.

Bottom line, no one in the TL is talking about this anymore, I wanted to give a final line of thought now that my vesting ended, we shall see if it picks up again when they unleash new products / versions / seasons


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